Natural Half


The only true means to train Half Crimp, to rely on PIP and DIP joint flexion at the same angle across all four fingers.

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The Natural Half is an obvious extension of unlevel, natural, and ergonomic edges by changing the position of each edge in on three axes to develop PIP and DIP joint flexion of the fingers. With the addition of ten unique form factors based on relative finger lengths as well as five different sizes to create a near custom profile for the fingers to pull against, the profile of the Natural Half is a more specialized device.

Material is carbon fiber reinforced polylactic acid for the platform to be durable and lightweight, and the cord is SK-78 to keep the weight low, resist abrasion, and minimize stretch.

Available in a variety of form factors and sizes as well as filament and cord colors. Refer to the “Selection” page for greater details on how to measure hand size as well as help determining options, or reach out via the “Contact” page or over Instagram.